Our Safe Hubs map lists safe spaces in your community, alongside other places you can escape to after a crisis or traumatic event, including being assaulted. You can also go to Safe Hubs to get away from an abuser, or someone putting your wellbeing or life in danger.
Read on to find out more about safe places you can go to.
Access the Safe Hubs map here.
What’s on the Safe Hubs map:
Businesses that have partnered with our organization to form a network of safe spaces. You can find the nearest one to your location on the map, confirm their business hours, and get directions to their address. If you are hurt and need immediate medical attention, and you are at a Safe Hub, you can call for an ambulance to your location. You can find the address of the Safe Hub you are in on the map itself.
These are public places that you can go to anytime during business hours. Some community centres may also have information on-site about locally available support. If you are hurt and need immediate medical attention, and if you don’t have a phone, you can go to the help desk and ask for an ambulance to be called.
Go here for immediate medical attention, or call 9-1-1 and ask for an ambulance. If you have been sexually assaulted within the past 7 days, medical help is available through the BC Women’s Hospital, which you can learn more about here: bcwomens.ca/our-services/specialized-services/sexual-assault-service
If your life, or the life of someone else, is in immediate danger, call 9-1-1 and ask for the police. The map shows police stations in your community, where you can go to file a report if you have been assaulted.
Off-the-map safe places:
You can call the following shelters to get help. Many shelters can help you and your children find a safe place to stay in overnight. These are some of the places you can call to get started:
Vancouver Rape Relief and Women’s Shelter
Call their 24-hour crisis line: (604) 872-8212
The following list is from BC Women’s Hospital’s Violence Against Women site, where you can find even more information: bcwomens.ca/health-info/violence/violence-against-women
Kate Booth House
Call: (604) 872-7774
Powell House
Call: (604) 683-4933
Bridge Shelter
Call their 24-hour Crisis Line: (604) 684-3542
Helping Spirit Lodge
For Indigenous women and their children
Call: (604) 872-6649
Shimai Transition House
For women escaping violent relationships who use drugs or alcohol
Call: (604) 581-9100 or 1-877-581-9100
Ama House
For women aged 55 and above
Call: (604) 542-5992